Friday, September 5, 2014

I am from

I am from light pink ballet shoes and a black leotard.
I am from dancing in the reflection of our stove and twirling on the side walk.
I am from the nickles and dimes that paid for my dreams.

I am from denim overalls and my treasured red rain boots
I am from baseball hats on backwards and a stomach filled with raspberries.

I am from breaking the rules.
I am from illegally riding the eighty-five-year-old tortoises at the blank park zoo, breaking into my own church and running barefoot in the hotel hallways. 

I am from talks with The King Of The Universe on the roof of my house.
I from constantly being reminded that I'm enough and that I am loved.

I am from "You can do it." and "You have a purpose in this life"
I am from the dirt under my nails and the determination in my eyes. 

I am from red, memory-worn basketball shoes and a gym full of loud people.
I am from permanently scarred legs and a sweaty ponytail.

I am from laughter.
I am from pain.
I am from loss.
I am from joy. 

I am from my bonfire scented hair and the word I never said.
I am from cliff jumping and tall trees that smell like memories.

I am from coffee in solid rock with Jessica and the familiar haunting words, "Are you a fan or a follower?"

I am from backstage with an adrenaline-filled body.
 I am from performing in front of an audience and loving every minute of it.
I am from Les Cayes, Haiti.
bonn nui.  :)
I am from the freckles on my lips and my sunflower eyes.
I am from the ocean-the very place my heart longs for everyday.

I am from the books I've read and found myself lost.
I am from the poems that have written me and the paintings on my wall.

I am from today.
Anxiously awaiting my next adventure. 

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