Wednesday, April 15, 2015

March madness

I love reflecting on periods of time, and because I have some free time, I decided to write down some things  I learned this march. It sure has been an extremely eventful month!

I have a ridiculous amount of supportive friends and it is so great. 
In the month of March, I made some pretty big decisions and I had wonderful friends who loved, supported and enjoyed the moments with me. I am one blessed cookie.

Online classes don't do themselves. 
This is just a warning for all you procrastinators out there. Putting off your online homework leads to late nights and early mornings.

"We meet no ordinary people in our lives"-C.S Lewis.
I dare you to name one "ordinary" person you know.

You can get a sunburn while snowboarding.
It's true. When you're out snowboarding for 6+ hours, while the sun is shining, you will get burnt. It happened to me. I am glad I got burnt because my freckles came out extra early this year. ♥

You are always going to be weaker than the ocean. Always. 
Visiting Daytona beach over spring break reminded me how weak I truly am. The ocean always reminds me of how powerful God's love is and how beautiful his creations are. What a blessing the school-free week was.

If your team is stacked, it doesn't guarantee a state championship.
This one hurts. My dream of a state championship never happened. The whole team must want it in order to succeed. So many memories with my high school basketball team.

I can sleep on a cement floor for five nights in a row.  
I know this because I had to do it for senior survivor at my school. The sleeping wasn't the best, but many good stories came from the experience.

When in the south, my mom will slowly start talking with a southern accent. 
This happened on vacation. If I'm being honest, I was annoyed, but it was also really funny.

The stars are still pretty in march. 
This march I really enjoyed wrapping up in a blanket to stare at the stars. Although I'm missing some of my favorite star gazing friends, I still could really feel God's love and that was worth the chilly weather.

I am ridiculously spontaneous
Okay, I think I knew this, but I laughed about it after I spontaneously committed to play college basketball. I mean, I'm even spontaneous with big decisions. This could be a bad thing.

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