Monday, February 23, 2015


Ten minutes until midnight and we had exactly fifteen minutes to arrive at the bridge before the lights turned off.  My energy level was rising and the speed I was skating was fueled by my love for midnight adventures. We skated faster and faster, ignoring the sweat running down our faces and giggled at our ridiculousness.  The three of us were skating faster than any other girls in Midwest Iowa when my treasured antique roller-skates decided they had enough. The front left wheel left me without a goodbye and the incident sent me sliding (gracefully) on the cement. My adrenaline ignored the pain while I unlaced my injured roller-skate and started one-skating as my friends followed.  Nothing was going to stop us. We continued to race towards the bridge and in a few long minutes we could finally see it. I took off my other skate and I started running. (Yes, this was exactly like a dramatic scene from a movie) The beautiful lights were in our reach and I knew that when we finally reached them, all the running, skating, sweating and bleeding would be worth it. I burned two holes in my socks and wiped the sweat from my cheeks, then the lights shut off. I screamed. We laughed. It was a disaster, but it was fun.

This story is probably one of my most favorite memories from this past summer. I have a good-sized scar on my leg from the incident and I smile every time I see it.  Both my friends that share the memory with me have gone off to college and I miss them terribly. I miss them so much it hurts. 

When thinking about how much I miss some of my friends, I realize that some people probably never "miss" their friends. Some people only have friends that are selfish, superficial and fake, making a friendship really dull and resulting in a friendship that neither care if lasts. I, on the other hand, have been blessed with a ridiculous amount of God fearing, people loving, adventure taking friends and that is why I miss them so much when they're gone. 


Wow. I'm actually so blessed to miss people so much.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Thankful (1-40)

I'm currently reading the book one thousand things. In the book, The Writer talks about a list she keeps of the things she is thankful for. Her list eventually reached 1000 different things, so I decided to challenge myself to do the same. I will post most of them on this blog and I hope this inspires you because we have MUCH to be thankful for. 

1. Dark chocolate.

2. Happy dogs.

3. Balloons.

4. Good books.

5. Warm beds.

6. Wellness walk at school once a month.

7. Loud elementary kids.

8. Grumpy cats.

9. The fact that God already knows my future.

10. Laughter.

11. Half birthdays.

12. Maggie Raes.

13. Pinterest

14. Clean rooms.

15. My mom-she always allows me to dream and that's great. 

16. Climbable trees.

17. Apples.

18. Free afternoons filled with dancing.

19. Board games.

20. Green beans.

21. School spirit.

22. Pandora.


24. My lovely car.

25. Econ class.

26. Great Ballard teachers.

27. Iowa wind. It smells like memories.

28. Family videos.

29. Lasting gum.

30. Harry Potter.

31. A locker to myself at school.

32. Mrs. Cunarro.


34. Mix CD's

35. Cheap gas.

36. The pennies paying for my dreams.

37. Bonfires.

38. mechanical pencils  

39. Clear skies.

40. Outback steakhouse.