Friday, January 2, 2015

14 things I learned in 2014

1. I'm under construction, please be patient.
 Every year I am reminded that I still have growing to do, and this year was more than ever. I will make mistakes, say stuff I shouldn't have, hurt people, hurt myself. Thankfully, God is working on me everyday, making me into the person he wants me to be. Please be patient, friends, I'm only human.

2. Scars make me smile.
If you just looked at my knees, you would know that I have really lived. I have scars everywhere, and this year I have really enjoyed the stories that go with them.
"Remember when I fell out of the mulberry tree? only eight stitches there."
"Throwback to when my roller skates turned on me."
"I blame the barbwire fence for that one."
"Funny you should ask, it all started when I was riding my bike and putting my hair up at the same time..."

3. Missing people is a good thing.
Many of my best friends left for college and I returned to another year of high school.  Mentors left, people moved, change was everywhere.  I spent most of my days missing people because my heart loved them so much. How cool is it that there are people in my life that I miss when they're gone? I'm one blessed cookie.

4. Success isn't everything.
For the majority of high school, basketball has been what I lived and breathed. I have always loved the sound of the crowd screaming and hearing the announcer say my name made me feel important. I have noticed that many athletes, myself included, find their identity in their success. The world is screaming that in our faces and we are believing it. This year, God taught me this: You are more than your basketball stats, more than your free throw percentage, and it doesn't matter what your peers think of you, I love you.

5. Sometimes you can hear God's voice in secular music. 
My most recent discovery is in the song Rather be
"We're a thousand miles from comfort, we have traveled land and sea
But as long as you are with me, there's no place I'd rather be"
I often have to remind myself that High school is where God wants me right now, and because He is with me, there is no place I'd rather be.

6. Cross country is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.  
Did I just say that? I met many of my best friends running XC and many of my memories come from bus rides, terrible practice or the dreaded meets. It was crazy seeing God work through me during the sport. I love all of you, Ballard XC.

7. Family videos teach you about yourself. 
It's so weird watching yourself grow up. Sometimes when I watch the videos, I miss a part of me. I miss the Emily who sings obnoxiously while climbing trees. Wait, I still do that...

8. An empty suitcase can be the best Christmas present.
 At first, I was wondering why I got a suitcase for Christmas. After all, I have a suitcase and even though it's ugly, it works. My Christmas suitcase grew on my every second. Because I love traveling and plan on traveling with my future job, The suitcase was almost saying, "Hey, I'm the rest of your life. It's going to be a great adventure." Anyway, I really like my cute black and white suitcase. Next stop, Ireland!

9. I'm pretty sure I'm a mermaid.
 I have been away from the ocean for five months and seven days. I have been non stop looking at pictures of the ocean, watching surfing videos and planning road trips with the destination of the ocean. I miss the way I feel small and powerless when I'm being knocked over by waves.  Please, someone, take me to the ocean. I want to feel alive.

10. Chocolate is good for every meal. 
The amount of chocolate I consume daily is probably unhealthy, but I will continue to eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Need I say more?

11. Two guys who really like coffee make for great company. 
 In the middle of December, I had coffee with two sophomore guys that I enjoy quite a lot. Jackson and Ryan have two of the most beautiful minds I have ever encountered. Jackson's a dreamer who loves cities and Ryan knows the bible better than I do, which is both amazing and convicting. My heart was full when their cups were empty.

12. We all crave a love that we can only get from God.
Just by observing relationships of others, and being aware of the way I want to be loved, I have realized that no love is perfect. We can't be loved the way we want to be loved by others, but we all crave God's love whether we realize it or not.

13. You can fit ten girls in my 1993 Pontiac Bonneville. 
Enough said.

14.  Haitians like dancing and counting freckles. 
My experience in Haiti was beautiful. My favorite memory was when I danced for hours with precious girls that loved laughing. I enjoyed every minute that I was playing soccer, holding hands or getting my freckles counted. ♥

I'm excited for many more new adventures in 2015!

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